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Ear syringing

Our ear syringing service can help to eliminate any build-up of ear wax and blockages, thus improving your hearing and relieving your discomfort.

How do I book an appointment?

Give us a call or pop into one of our pharmacies to find out more about ear syringing and discuss your needs.

What is impacted earwax?

If you have impacted earwax or a buildup of earwax, this may lead to several symptoms such as irritation and hearing loss.

Impacted earwax is a common condition, particularly in older people, because our ear wax hardens as we age.


It can also be caused by some skin conditions, as well as the wearing of hearing aids.


Impacted ear wax can lead to a number of symptoms, in either or both ears. These symptoms include:

  • Dizziness

  • Tinnitus

  • Earache

  • Hearing difficulties

  • Itching


If you are concerned about your ear wax, please ask to speak to one of our pharmacists who will guide you through your options.

Morton's Pharmacy Axminster
Trinity Square,
EX13 5AP


01297 32115


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Morton's Pharmacy Chard
Stringfellows Gallery,

Holyrood St, TA20 2AJ


01460 63089


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